Download a free copy of Microsoft Press eBook ‘Introducing Microsoft® SQL Server 2012’

Hello all,

After a long time gap, I just want to share a link to download a free copy of Microsoft Press eBook ‘Introducing Microsoft® SQL Server 2012’.

This could be a great eBook for you to learn and know about what’s inside the ‘ SQL Server 2012 ’  released by Microsoft.

I have already downloaded and have started to read and learn the things .Hope you will too.

This link could be helpful for all of us in the field of BI-SQL server to know more about SQL Server 2012 , virtual lunch event-sessions and more.

Contents at a Glance

Part I Database Administration (by Ross Mistry)

1. SQL Server 2012 Editions and Engine Enhancements
2. High-Availability and Disaster-Recovery Enhancements
3. Performance and Scalability
4. Security Enhancements
5. Programmability and Beyond-Relational Enhancements

Part II Business Intelligence Development (by Stacia Misner)

6. Integration Services
7. Data Quality Services
8. Master Data Services
9. Analysis Services and PowerPivot
10. Reporting Services


Anil Maharjan

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