Free download Microsoft Press eBook: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Pocket Consultant.

Hello all,

I just want to share a link to download a free copy of Microsoft Press eBook ‘Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Pocket Consultant’.
This could be a great eBook for you to learn all about how to manage SQL Server .

Currently, Microsoft Press just posted the first  two chapters within this free copy as Managing SQL Servers and Policy-Based Management.

So, SQL Geeks !!! Grab your digital copy and learn all about how to manage SQL Server!

I have already downloaded and have started to read and learn the things.Hope you will too.

This link could be helpful for all of us in the field of BI-SQL server to know more about SQL Server 2012 and to manage SQL Server.

Contents at a Glance

Chapter 1: Managing SQL Servers 

  • Using SQL Server Management Studio
  • Managing SQL Server Groups
  • Managing Servers
  • Using Windows Power Shell for SQL Server Management
  • Starting, Stopping, and Configuring SQL Server Agent
  • Starting, Stopping, and Configuring MSDTC
  • Managing SQL Server Startup
  • Managing Server Activity

Chapter 2: Implementing Policy-Based Management

  • Introducing Policy-Based Management
  • Working with Policy-Based Management
  • Configuring Central Management Servers
  • Managing Policies Throughout the Enterprise


Anil Maharjan

Help on installing the SQL Server 2012 integrated along with SharePoint 2010.

Hello all,

After long time gap, I just want to post a blog that might be helpful to the one who is going to learn, try and setup these great products of Microsoft as SQL Server 2012 and SharePoint 2010.

If you are going to learn, try and install SQL Server 2012 integrated along with SharePoint 2010 then this blog might be very helpful.

Some of the things you should be consider before installing and some steps for proper installation are as:

Please read the requirements of your machine and requirement needed for setup clear fully before you began to install.

Step 1. Firstly you need to install the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 either standard or enterprise version .The installation setup can be easily found in the link below for 180 days as Evaluation version.

For installing the SQL Server 2012 properly you can see the nice video in

Step 2. After successful installation of the SQL Server 2012, you can install SharePoint 2010 either in Standalone mode or in Server Farm mode. Here is the link to download

Here, The Standalone SharePoint installation is supported and common for development environments of Reporting Services.

However a SharePoint farm installation is recommended for a production environment. A farm is enabled when you choose the Server Farm option in SharePoint setup. You must have a farm installation if you want to use PowerPivot for SharePoint or Power View.

Note: You need to install the SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Edition for Server Farm option or to use PowerPivot for SharePoint. We can’t simple install the Server Farm mode within Windows7 OS .If you want to try then you should have to create the Virtual Machine’s for Windows Server 2008 within Windows 7 OS. Also, the user must be the domainuser, and we can’t use the local user.

Step 3. If you are trying to install the SharePoint 2010 in Standalone mode for development purpose then the link below shows the Step by step guide to install SharePoint 2010 in Standalone mode.

After installation of SharePoint 2010 as per above, while configuring SharePoint 2010 central admin (SharePoint product configuration wizard) after configuring the IIS 7 as needed you will get the errors as.

i. Could not load file or assembly ‘Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35’ or one of its dependencies.

Simple download and install the file from link below

ii. An exception of type Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeException was thrown. Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Web.DataVisualization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35’ or one of its dependencies.

Simple download and install the file from link below

After this you will successfully install and configure the SharePoint 2010 in Standalone mode. If required you can update the Hotfix for SharePoint 2010 SP1 from Microsoft too.

Step 4. Basically you just need to be careful with Reporting Services configuration, you need to choose SharePoint Integrated Mode in report server mode option while configuration and create the report server DB for SharePoint integrate mode, if you plan to embed reports within your SharePoint.

It’s not possible anymore with SQL Server 2012 to configure Reporting Services for SharePoint in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager. We have to use the SharePoint Central Administration to Configure Report Server Integration in SharePoint mode.

If you have chosen the Reporting Services Add-In for SharePoint Products while installing then you don’t need to install again Add-in.

If you are configuring a report server to run within a deployment of a SharePoint product, you must specify integration settings that determine the connection between the SharePoint technology instance and a Reporting Services report server

Here is the link to Configure Report Server Integration in SharePoint Central Administration

Step 5. Also, if you plan to use Power Pivot for SharePoint then you need to run install SQL Server 2012 again and choose for SQL Server Power Pivot for SharePoint mode which requires the Domainuser for analysis services to install. Also, for this you need to install the SharePoint 2010 in Server Farm Mode and also needs to configure as similar .Here is the link to setup in Server Farm mode.

Also, to learn PowerPivot more here’s the link below and also you need Ms-Office 2010.

Besides these you also need to download the Visual Studio 2010 from link below


Hope this Blog post will surely helpful to the one who wants to learn, try and setup these great products of MicrosoftSQL Server 2012 and SharePoint 2010.


Anil Maharjan