SQL Saturday #692 Conference and Nepal Power BI User Group Meetup a big success.

Last Saturday, we conducted SQL Saturday #692 conference and Nepal Power BI User Group Meetup Event in Kathmandu, Nepal successfully on 23rd Dec, 2017.

SQLSaturday#692 conference and Nepal Power BI User Group Meetup Event is free event for a Microsoft Data Platform professionals and those wanting to learn about SQL Server, Business Intelligence, Power BI and Analytics.

I got a chance again to organize and speak in this great event and it was fun and we share knowledge along with other SQL and Power BI Geeks and also had great opportunity to be a speakers around the world. Thank you all speakers , MVP & members for being part of #SqlSaturday692 #SqlSatNepal #NepalPUG we had a great speakers , MVP  from around the world. Such as Shree Prasad Khanal Anil Maharjan Gogula Aryalingam Guy Glantser Jonathan Stewart Deependra Bajracharya Virendra Dibya Tara Shakya  

I had given presentation on PowerBI: Data Visualization SQL Saturday with R You can find my slides using below link: http://www.sqlsaturday.com/692/Sessions/Details.aspx?sid=69982

Also, it was my great opportunity to share more about Nepal Power BI User Group along with the community. How one can engage and join the NepalPUG group. Currently, there are few members in Nepal PUG and hope it will grow soon. http://www.pbiusergroup.com/kathmandu

The event was a big success and we had nearly more than 100 participants and the interactions between participants and speakers was really overwhelm.

In future also, we will conduct more Data Platform SQL and Power BI related events again soon. Also, one problem we faced difficult here is not having any Microsoft Office premises in Nepal. It would be great if Microsoft can open up small office premises here in Nepal too. So that we can conduct these kind of Microsoft related conference within Microsoft office. Which will help the Microsoft community to grow further and will help to engage more community members in one place.


Anil Maharjan

Senior BI Engineer | Nepal Power BI User Group Leader