Watch 24 Hours of PASS Business Analytics sessions if you had missed any.

From yesterday evening to till today morning I had a great time attending the ‘24 Hour of PASS Business Analytics’ free live 12 back-to-back webcasts from various BA Conference speakers.

If you have missed out to join the live sessions on 5th Feb 2014th which had begin at 08:00PT / 11:00 ET / 16:00 GMT, then no worries the recorded webcasts sessions is available now and you can just check out those great session and am sure you will get some great knowledge in the world of BA from a great speakers around the world.

You will be able to know the story behind your own DATA through these great sessions.

Also, there is a contest #pass24Hop Challenge organized for this event, where anyone can take part in the challenges and if you are lucky enough and passionate about DATA and BI then you could get a chance to win a free ticket to2014 PASS Business Analytics Conference which is going to be held on San Jose, CA from May 7-9. I think this event will be a great success and will bring more new challenges and opportunity in the world of BI, BA. Wish I could also attend this event  🙂 !!!


Anil Maharjan

Some Question and knowledge learn from PASS Summit 2013 Preview

The session’s was really great and so do the Speakers . Learn a lot off stuffs and knowledge from 24 hours for PASS SUMMIT Preview.

Here are some of the question I have asked so far and by doing some research on that I found some answers as:

1.Power view loads data in Memory, so how big data set can it load and will it be significant to work/analysis as similar to multidimensional OLAP cube analysis.?

: I could not get the clear answer of this one but I think Power view can’t be used as significant as SSAS providing .

2.Will SQL server going to handle the BIG data as similar like Hadoop and others.

Since they are quite different  product I know, Microsoft Big Data offers an integrated platform for managing data of any type or size, whether it is structured data from a relational data warehouse such as SQL Server 2012 Parallel Data Warehouse, unstructured data on Hadoop or streaming data.

PolyBase is a breakthrough new technology on the data processing engine in SQL Server 2012 Parallel Data Warehouse designed as the simplest way to combine non-relational data and traditional relational data in your analysis. So, MSSQL 2012 focusing  for Big DATA , structured/ Unstructured data as like Hadoop currently emerging.

3.Can Power view used to analyze the Multidimensional OLAP cube?

I think this feature is released in SQL Server 2012 SP1 CU 4 and still not works in Excel 2013 if I am not wrong.

4.Is it better to use 50-60 left join from almost 50 tables having cluster index to populate a single fact table or we can use some intermediate table using 20-20-20 joins and lastly join those tables to populate a single fact table.

: still waiting for answer

5.what will be the performance issue while replication AlwaysON High Availability and how does it sync with primary to secondary .

:This is nice feature I notice about in SQL 2012.

6.what will be better approach vertical partitioning or horizontal partitioning in SQL 2012.

:Vertical partitioning since horizontal partitioning is quite complex in SQL 2012 as per speaker.

7.Does Power view and Power Map only support Bing maps, can’t we use a Google maps.

:No, we cannot use Google maps for now.

These are some of the question I have asked so far, and the answers may not be quite enough or correct.

I hope someone knows better answer for these question too so, if you have any please share some.

That will surely helps us and wish I could attend the PASS Summit 2013 that is going to held on

Charlotte, NC: October 15-18, 2013 .


Anil Maharjan

SQL PASS Summit 2012 Hot News !!!

Hello all,

Some Hot news of the SQL PASS SUMMIT 2012.

PASS Summit is the world’s largest, most-focused, and most-intensive conference for Microsoft SQL Server and BI professionals.

Organized by and for SQL Server and BI users, PASS Summit delivers the most technical sessions, the largest number of attendees, the best networking, and the highest-rated sessions and speakers of any SQL Server event in the world.

The 3 most awaited days from Nov 7-9 are here for all the SQL and BI lovers around the world.

Currently, I couldn’t attend this session but I wish to attend this session in upcoming days or in near future summit’s a long run way to go .No worries, PASS Live TV is here for us who couldn’t make it to this SUMMIT in Seattle. The live covering of the SUMMIT can be browsed through the link below.

Also, it’s nice to hear the upcoming project news from the Summit Keynotes .Apart from that ,I have read few blogs regarding the Summit Keynotes  from the great persons and want to share with you guys too .So that one can know what’s in upcoming future technologies and updates in SQL and BI field mainly.

These are some most highlighted upcoming updates in our field. You can have a look on these from the great writer blogs ( By Chris ,Marco and Denny ).

  • Project Hekaton: Project Hekaton,codename for in-memory OLTP technology with improvement in performance and scalability.
  • Polybase : Polybase allows you to query data from an external source from within the SQL Server 2012 PDW.  This will allow you to create an external table which simply links to a Hadoop cluster.By using Polybase a single T-SQL query will run queries across relational data and Hadoop data. A single query language for both. Sounds really interesting for using BigData in a more integrated way with existing relational databases.

By Chris “Wouldn’t it be cool if you could query the Facebook graph or Twitter or even Bing directly from TSQL?”Really looking forward to see these kinds of upcoming project by Microsoft SQL Server Team.

  • Updates on Columnstore: In the next major release of SQL Server the columnstore indexes will be updatable and it will be possible to create a clustered index with Columnstore index. This is really a great news for near real-time reporting needs.
  • Power View works with Multidimensional cube
  • Microsoft HDInsight Server CTP which is Microsoft’s Hadoop offering
  • SQL Server 2012 SP1 and Office 2013
  • Mobile BI and more

You can have a look in the links below for more details .

Just want to share the updates with you guys.we will be looking forward to play around with these great products and features from Microsoft.


Anil Maharjan