Free download Microsoft Press eBook: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Pocket Consultant.

Hello all,

I just want to share a link to download a free copy of Microsoft Press eBook ‘Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Pocket Consultant’.
This could be a great eBook for you to learn all about how to manage SQL Server .

Currently, Microsoft Press just posted the first  two chapters within this free copy as Managing SQL Servers and Policy-Based Management.

So, SQL Geeks !!! Grab your digital copy and learn all about how to manage SQL Server!

I have already downloaded and have started to read and learn the things.Hope you will too.

This link could be helpful for all of us in the field of BI-SQL server to know more about SQL Server 2012 and to manage SQL Server.

Contents at a Glance

Chapter 1: Managing SQL Servers 

  • Using SQL Server Management Studio
  • Managing SQL Server Groups
  • Managing Servers
  • Using Windows Power Shell for SQL Server Management
  • Starting, Stopping, and Configuring SQL Server Agent
  • Starting, Stopping, and Configuring MSDTC
  • Managing SQL Server Startup
  • Managing Server Activity

Chapter 2: Implementing Policy-Based Management

  • Introducing Policy-Based Management
  • Working with Policy-Based Management
  • Configuring Central Management Servers
  • Managing Policies Throughout the Enterprise


Anil Maharjan