SSRS-2012 Reporting Services Configuration integrate in SharePoint 2010.

Hello all,

Once again , time for some blog post and today I just want to share some tips regarding the SSRS 2012 Reporting services configuration integrate in SharePoint 2010.

Recently, I tried to integrate the SSRS 2012 within SharePoint 2010 and configure the reporting services from native mode to SharePoint integrate mode in order to integrate reports from the SSRS server in the SharePoint site.

For this generally, we use the Reporting service configuration manager and within the configuration manager, I cannot set the  report server mode to SharePoint since it is default set to native mode and there is no any dropdown box to choose to SharePoint mode and create RS-database.

Finally , after some Research I found that :

It’s not possible anymore with SQL Server 2012 to configure Reporting Services for SharePoint in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager. We have to use the SharePoint Central Administration to Configure Report Server Integration in SharePoint mode.

Check out the link below for the solution for this thread


Anil Maharjan