The power of SIMBA into the world of BI on top of BIG DATA

After a long time gap, I would love to post this blog regarding the power of SIMBA  into the world of BI on top of BIG DATA .

It’s really interesting and exciting to see these kinds of new technology and tools on the way. Well ,I am talking about the SIMBA MDx Provider developed by the simba Technologies .

Yesterday, while I was researching regarding BIG DATA and reading some great blog post then I came to know about the SIMBA MDx Provider which seems to be a great and cool tool .

What actually the Simba’s MDx Provider :

Simba’s MDX Provider is an ODBO provider installed on the same machine as Excel. Simba also has a tool for building cube definitions, which we call schemas. These schemas are saved in XML. Simba’s schema maps MDX metadata constructs to Impala table structures. When an ODBO compliant tool such as Excel issues an MDX query, Simba’s MDX Provider maps the MDX query to HiveQL, sends the HiveQL to Impala, collects the results and returns them to the end user.

The most important technical concept is that there is no intermediate server or cube structure that caches data, all queries go direct from Simba’s MDX Provider to the Cloudera Impala server in real time.

You can find out more on this through the main blog post by samba itself through the link below:

As the technology is in early development, it is not generally available for early testing.

Demo of Simba’s integration of doing MDX queries over Cloudera’s Impala for use with Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables .

Also there is a great PDF regarding the Simba Teradata case- study.

Hope to see and use these kind of great tools in near future into our world of BI.

Reference :


Anil Maharjan

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