How can we rollback mistakenly UPDATE statement change in SQL Database.?

Hello all,

Beside than my regular helpful blog posts, it’s just a discussion type blog post that might be useful to all of us.

Let’s say we have a table customer and If someone tries to update a single row within it but by mistakenly update the entire row within a customer table. while update query someone forgot to put where condition and now all the rows of customer table are updated.

Is there any solution to rollback the update statement and retrieve all rows back for that customer table.?

After research ,I have found as the only option is to restore that previously backup Database . If our database runs in full recovery mode, we can:

* backup the transaction log

* restore the database from a full backup

* restore all transaction logs (in sequence) to the time right before the accident occurred.

Also, there is some cool tool called ApexSQL-Log which allows us to rollback the changes. But I haven’t tried it yet before but I have downloaded the product and going for a test. You can easily download from the link below:

So if anyone knows some idea regarding on this and if there is any solution lately with the release of MS-SQL 2012  then really want to here.


Anil Maharjan

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